// pages/doTask/doTask.js import VODUpload from '../../utils/aliyun-upload-sdk-1.0.1.min' const app = getApp() const util = require("../../utils/util") const urlDef = require("../../utils/urls") const recordManager = wx.getRecorderManager() //录音对象 const audioContext = wx.createInnerAudioContext() //音频播放对象 var uploader = null //阿里云视频上传对象 const urls = urlDef.urls; Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { talkFlag: false, closeName: '开始录音', videoList: [], videoFlag: 0, imgList: [], audioList:[], audioPause: false }, getRecord: function () { const that = this if (that.data.talkFlag) { recordManager.stop() recordManager.onStop((res) => { //监听录音停止的事件 console.log("监听录音停止事件",res) if (res.duration < 1000) { wx.showToast({ title: '录音时间太短', icon: none }) return; } else { console.log(res) var tempFilePath = res.tempFilePath; // 文件临时路径 console.log("文件临时路径", tempFilePath) wx.uploadFile({ filePath: tempFilePath, name: 'name', url: urls.file_upload, header: util.getHeaders(), success(res) { wx.showToast({ title: '上传成功', }) const rs = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(res.data))) console.log(rs) const list = [rs.data[0].url] that.setData({ audioList:that.data.audioList.concat(list) }) }, fail(res) { wx.showToast({ title: '上传失败', icon: 'none' }) }, complete(res) { wx.hideLoading({ success: (res) => {}, }) } }) } }); that.setData({ talkFlag: false, closeName: '开始录音' }) } else { wx.getSetting({ success(res) { if (!res.authSetting['scope.record']) { wx.authorize({ scope: 'scope.record', success() { // 用户已经同意小程序使用录音功能,后续调用 wx.startRecord 接口不会弹窗询问 const options = {} recordManager.start(options) }, fail(){ wx.openSetting({ withSubscriptions: true, }) } }) } else { that.setData({ talkFlag: true, closeName: '正在录音,再次点击结束录音' }) const options = {} recordManager.start(options) } } }) } }, showAudio:function(e){ const index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index if(this.data.curAudioIndex != index){ this.setData({ curAudioIndex: index, }) audioContext.src = this.data.audioList[index] audioContext.play() audioContext.onEnded((res)=>{ this.setData({ curAudioIndex: '-1', }) }) }else{ if(this.data.audioPause){ audioContext.play() this.setData({ audioPause: false }) } else { audioContext.pause() this.setData({ audioPause: true }) } } }, delAudio:function(e){ const index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index this.data.audioList.splice(index,1); this.setData({ audioList: this.data.audioList }) }, uploadTap: function () { const that = this wx.chooseImage({ count: 6, sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], success(res) { wx.showLoading({ title: '上传中...', }) for (var i in res.tempFilePaths) { wx.uploadFile({ filePath: res.tempFilePaths[i], name: 'name', url: urls.file_upload, header: util.getHeaders(), success(res) { wx.showToast({ title: '上传成功', }) const rs = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(res.data))) const list = [rs.data[0].url] that.setData({ imgList: that.data.imgList.concat(list) }) }, fail(res) { wx.showToast({ title: '上传失败', icon: none }) }, complete(res) { wx.hideLoading({ success: (res) => {}, }) } }) } } }) }, showImg: function (e) { const index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index wx.previewImage({ current: this.data.imgList[index], urls: this.data.imgList, }) }, delImg: function (e) { const index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index this.data.imgList.splice(index, 1); this.setData({ imgList: this.data.imgList }) }, upLoadVideo: function () { const that = this wx.chooseVideo({ camera: ['album'], success(res) { var file = { url: res.tempFilePath, coverUrl: res.thumbTempFilePath }; var userData = '{"Vod":{}}'; const urls = urlDef.urls; let createUrl = urls.video_create_upload + '?title=' + res.tempFilePath + '&fileName=' + res.tempFilePath; console.log('createUploadVideo ... '); util.apiPost(createUrl).then((rs) => { let d = JSON.parse(rs.data); // console.log('createUploadVideo ' + JSON.stringify(d)); that.setData({ uploadAuth: d.UploadAuth, uploadAddress: d.UploadAddress, videoId: d.VideoId, }) uploader.addFile(file, null, null, null, userData) uploader.startUpload(); // uploader.setUploadAuthAndAddress(uploadInfo, uploadAuth, uploadAddress, videoId); }, e => { console.log('createUploadVideo error ' + JSON.stringify(e)); }); } }) }, showVideo: function (e) { const index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index const curVideo = this.data.videoList[index].src this.setData({ curVideo }) this.videoContext.requestFullScreen({ // 设置全屏时视频的方向,不指定则根据宽高比自动判断。 direction: 90 // 屏幕逆时针90度 }); }, // 监听视频是否为全屏,否则直接关闭 bindfullscreenchange: function () { if (this.data.videoFlag == 0) { this.setData({ videoFlag: 1 }) } else { this.setData({ videoFlag: 0, curVideo: "" }) } }, delVideo: function (e) { const index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index this.data.videoList.splice(index, 1); this.setData({ videoList: this.data.videoList }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { this.videoContext = wx.createVideoContext('play-video'); // 创建 video 上下文 VideoContext 对象。 const that = this const createUpLoad = new VODUpload({ //阿里账号ID,必须有值 userId: "WaWQOn6gXod13WLEp8cr4ljUdvcbXJ", //网络原因失败时,重新上传次数,默认为3 retryCount: 3, //网络原因失败时,重新上传间隔时间,默认为2秒 retryDuration: 2, //开始上传 'onUploadstarted': function (uploadInfo) { wx.showLoading({ title: '上传中...', mask: true }) // console.log("onUploadStarted:" + uploadInfo.file.name + ", endpoint:" + uploadInfo.endpoint + ", bucket:" + uploadInfo.bucket + ", object:" + uploadInfo.object) //上传方式1,需要根据uploadInfo.videoId是否有值,调用点播的不同接口获取uploadauth和uploadAddress,如果videoId有值,调用刷新视频上传凭证接口,否则调用创建视频上传凭证接口 if (uploadInfo.videoId) { //如果uploadInfo.videoId存在,调用刷新视频上传凭证接口 } else { //如果uploadInfo.videoId不存在,调用获取视频上传地址和凭证接口 } //从点播服务获取的uploadAuth、uploadAddress和videoId,设置SDK console.log(that.data) uploader.setUploadAuthAndAddress(uploadInfo, that.data.uploadAuth, that.data.uploadAddress, that.data.videoId); }, //文件上传成功 'onUploadSucceed': function (uploadInfo) { // console.log("上传成功:" + JSON.stringify(uploadInfo)) var json = { src: uploadInfo.url, img: uploadInfo.coverUrl } var list = [json] that.setData({ videoList: that.data.videoList.concat(list) }) wx.showToast({ title: '上传成功', }) // console.log("onUploadSucceed: " + uploadInfo.file.name + ", endpoint:" + uploadInfo.endpoint + ", bucket:" + uploadInfo.bucket + ", object:" + uploadInfo.object); }, //文件上传失败 'onUploadFailed': function (uploadInfo, code, message) { // console.log("onUploadFailed: file:" + uploadInfo.file.name + ",code:" + code + ", message:" + message); wx.showToast({ title: '上传失败', }) }, //文件上传进度,单位:字节 'onUploadProgress': function (uploadInfo, totalSize, loadedPercent) { // console.log("onUploadProgress:file:" + uploadInfo.file.name + ", fileSize:" + totalSize + ", percent:" + Math.ceil(loadedPercent * 100) + "%"); }, //上传凭证超时 'onUploadTokenExpired': function (uploadInfo) { wx.showToast({ title: '上传超时', }) console.log("onUploadTokenExpired"); //实现时,根据uploadInfo.videoId调用刷新视频上传凭证接口重新获取UploadAuth //从点播服务刷新的uploadAuth,设置到SDK里 uploader.resumeUploadWithAuth(uploadAuth); }, //全部文件上传结束 'onUploadEnd': function (uploadInfo) { console.log("onUploadEnd: uploaded all the files"); } }); uploader = createUpLoad }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 */ onHide: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 */ onUnload: function () { }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh: function () { }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function () { }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function () { } })